BERLIN / GEMANY, 5th – 9th OCTOBER 2016
Financial Support for Travel Costs is available! (Deadline 8th September)
Deadline for registrations is 30 September 2016!
Hi everybody,
You´re getting this e-mail because you are working/volunteering against homophobia in football or are active within the Anti-Discrimination Division (ADD) of FSE. This is why we’d like to invite you to join us for the so far biggest international gathering of European activists in the field of homophobia in football in Berlin / Germany between 5th and 9th of OCTOBER 2016. For this fan-driven event, Football Supporters Europe joins forces with Football fans against Homophobia – who will celebrate their 5th birthday during this week – Queer Football Fanclubs (QFF) and the Berlin Lesbian and Gay association (LSVD).
After a get-together on 5 OCTOBER 2016, the Pride Week will kick off on 6 OCTOBER 2016 with a conference on homophobia, aimed at German clubs, associations and fans (in German only). On 7 OCTOBER 2016 we want to bring together fans and other initiatives, involved in the work against homophobia in and around football on an international level. On 8 OCTOBER 2016 there will be the next meeting of the Anti-Discrimination Division (ADD) of FSE under the motto “All Colours Are Beautiful”, which will involve fans from all over Europe from the FSE membership, who are actively organising activities against discrimination in football. Furthermore, QFF will hold their annual meeting on the same day.
The “Football Pride Week” is part of the project “Queering Football – Tackling Homophobia and Promoting Anti-Discrimination”, in which FSE is a key partner. The project is coordinated by FairPlay-vidc and co-funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Sport Programme. It is also co- financed by the funding pool PFiFF of the Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH.
You can find further details on the meeting & workshops further below in this email and in the draft programme attached. Check also the website for latest news!
It´s easy! If you want to take part in the Football Pride Week and/or the ADD-meeting, just register online via this link! We will then get back to you with further information ASAP. Deadline for registrations is 3 October 2016!
FSE has a budget available for financial support for international participants to help them to cover travel costs for the cheapest means of travel, so that they can take part in the meeting in Berlin. Fan representatives can request support for travel or accommodation. We´d welcome if you could try to stay with friends you may have in Berlin. As more people travel cheap and stay private, as more people we can subsidise. Any support provided will be decided on a case-by-case basis, based on the cheapest means of travel or accommodation available. We will work with this budget on a “first come, first served” basis. If you require financial support for your trip to Berlin, just submit an online enquiry via this link no later than 8 September 2016!
Wednesday, 5th OCTOBER 2016 (from 19 hrs)
“Get together”
Thursday, 6th OCTOBER 2016
Conference – Dialogue between German clubs, associations and fans (in German)
Friday, 7th OCTOBER 2016
Conference – International fans commitment against homophobia (in English)
Saturday, 8th OCTOBER 2016
QFF annual meeting (in German) / FSE ADD Meeting (in English) / Closing party
If you need any further info, have any questions regarding your participation, don’t hesitate to get in touch by sending an email to the FSE Coordinating Office via [email protected].
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!
— Martin Endemann Football Supporters Europe Senior Project Manager [email protected] Mobile: 0049 178 435 1988
Download the Draft Programme here:
Draft Programme english – Football Pride Week