Pride in Football go to Nottingham for #CALLITOUT2018!
#CALLITOUT2018, exploring fan-based responses to LGBT+phobia in Football

Saturday 9th June at #CALLITOUT2018
The Robin Hood Suite Nottingham Forest Football Club
The City Ground Nottingham NG2 5FJ
9.30am Registration and Coffee, Juice and Pastries
10.00am Welcome and Introduction:Nicholas Randall, Chair Nottingham Forest FC, Di Cunningham, Chair Pride in Football
Journalist Nancy Frostick will be recording the event – please let her know if you don’t want to appear in photos.
Panels and Q&A will be chaired by Jon Holmes of Sky Sports News and Sky Sports Digital and by Helena Doughty, patron of LGBT Trickies.
10.15 Panel: What will it take for an elite gay male footballer to Come Out? Ryan Atkin (out gay ref), SiobhánPrior (England Basketball medallist, Forest fan and inclusion activist), Sam Feeney (Trans activist and counsellor, Proud Lilywhite/Amber & Proud) and Jehmeil Lemonius (Stonewall and Stonewall FC)
10.45 Panel: Are Media and Broadcasting standards on LGBT+ Inclusion adequate? Bob Ballard (Radio 5 Live, Talk Sport, Nancy Frostick(Freelance journalist), Kevin Beirne(Football London,, FT Mag)
11.15 Panel: LGBT+phobic international competition hosts; are they inevitable? How should we respond? Joe White (Campaigns Lead Pride in Football), Tim Purcell(MoT member and corporate social responsibility advisor, Simon Ware Chair Amnesty LGBTQ and Proud Tricky, Siobhán Prior(England Basketball medallist, Forest fan and inclusion activist)
12.00 Lunch/Stadium Tour
Please take a moment over lunch to complete this short survey of LGBT+ fan match experience
1.15pm Workshops:
Preparing for an elite gay male player coming out. Lead by Gay Gooners Chair Dave Raval
Developing an LGBT+ fan group. Lead by Marching Out Together, LUFC LGBT+ fan group
Minimum Standards and Code of Conduct for Media and Press. Lead by Pride in Football Chair Di Cunningham
2.15pm Feedback from Workshops/plenary
3.00 Drinks available from the bar
3.15pm The Brighton Kop – short film doc with Director Ruben Armstrong and Brighton Kop founder Benny Punk Q&A and
4pm Close
Saturday Evening
Broadway Cinema 14 – 18 Broad Street Nottingham NG1 3AL
7.30 Mario; £5 for delegates
Sunday 10th June at #CALLITOUT2018
Notts County Football Club, Meadow Lane Stadium, Meadow Lane, Nottingham, NG2 3HJ
11.00 am Pride in Football member AGM, with Breakfast Roll and hot drink
NB! For those arriving early on Friday8th:
Nottingham City Council, Council House, Old Market Square, NG1 2DT
7pm Mayoral Drinks Reception
Broadway Cinema 14 – 18 Broad Street Nottingham NG1 3AL
9pm Just Charlie with intro by Sam Feeney
Drinks and food are available at Broadway Cinema and local eateries and bars